Creating your lead magnet is necessary if you want to grow an email list.
The lead magnet is the one thing that will move a spectator into an email subscriber and strengthen your relationship with them instantly.
As you know, giving up your name and email is a big deal. Someone who does give you their email address is raising their hand saying, “I want in, I want more. I want to hear from you.”
What is a Lead Magnet?
Specifically, a lead magnet is a valuable piece of content that you give to your audience for free in exchange for their name and email address.
A successful lead magnet leads your ideal client to engage with you and your brand. It also warms up your audience for future sales.
A lead magnet goes by many different names. You may have also heard it referred to as:
Free offer
Why Do You Need A Lead Magnet?
When someone comes to your website, 99% of the time they are not ready to buy. Instead, they are looking for a solution to their immediate challenge or desire. That’s where you want to start the conversation, where they are currently at in the moment.
Think of your lead magnet as easing into the bigger conversation. It’s your opportunity to make a first impression and a way to kick off the know, like, and trust factor that is so important in any relationship.
Your ideal client must feel like they know you. They must like learning from you, and they must trust that you have the solutions they want and need. A really good lead magnet can kick start this kind of relationship.
How To Decide What Your Lead Magnet Will Be?
When coming up with your lead magnet topic, the goal is to offer something that is easy to understand, quick to consume, and instantly delivers value.
Think checklists, or how-to guides or lists of tips, time hacks, insights, or recommendations.
Here are five questions that can help you with deciding on the topic of your irresistible lead magnet:
What are the most common questions I’m constantly asked about when I tell people what I do in my business?
What are my ideal client’s biggest pain points and/or desires? What would help ease their pain or help to fulfil a desire?
What content would be so valuable that my ideal client would say, “I can’t believe this is free!”
Where can I start the conversation while also adding massive value? Specifically, what small but significant step can I help my ideal client take right now to move them closer to buying from me in the future?
What does my ideal client need to understand, be aware of or believe, in order to want or need my program, product or service?
Ask yourself as you create the lead magnet, is it going to get someone from where they are now, to where they want to be.
Your lead magnet should complement or align with the product, program, or service you are actively selling or planning to sell. However, an important thing to remember is that it is not a sales pitch. You are creating it in order to give your ideal clients something of value.
Think of An Attractive Title
The title of your lead magnet is really important. You want people to not only know what it is but also be intrigued enough to be willing to give up their email address for it.
Titles that start off with “Expert Secrets”, or “Little Known Facts” are a good way to create intrigue and a desire to find out more.
Final Thoughts
When creating your lead magnet you want to keep it simple and create something that is easy for your audience to use and digest.
A 40-page eBook, no matter how good it is, won’t look like value to someone who is extremely busy and looking for a solution fast.
Your audience wants a quick win. They are looking to you to help them. You want to offer something that’s easy to understand, quick to consume, and instantly delivers value.
Don’t overcomplicate your lead magnet. Keep it simple.
Creating a lead magnet in order to grow your email list is definitely worth investing the time and effort in. And if time isn’t something you have to spare, then outsourcing the setup, the creation, or both - is always an option.
This is something I can help you with. Book in a free discovery call with me to find out more.